Donate to Charity
How Donate Smart Works
Get instant tax receiptUpon donating get instantly notified via email and text to login and view/download a copy of your charitable donation receipt.
Donate by Credit/Debit card or paypalChose your desired method of payment. Payments can be made using our online app, by visiting our website or at donation terminals of your desired charity.
Donate towards specific causeYou can choose the desired cause towards which you would like to donate giving you more flexibility to manage your donations.
Manage recurring donationsYou can manage recurring donations towards a cause by choosing payment amount, payment frequency (monthly, weekly) and can start or stop at any time.
Track all your donationsYou can track all your donations which would not only help you in filling your T1 personal tax return but would also help you understand where you are with your donation target.
Follow your desired charitiesYou can follow the charities, keep track of events and can view content shared by the charities to be more connected.